Sunday, July 25, 2010

allie's 1st ambulance ride

i know, it's been a week, but i've really just now been able to write this down....

after church last sunday, we got home, ate lunch, our normal routine after services, when i noticed that allie was a little warm.  she's cutting her top 2 central incisors, so i just knew this is what was going on.  luckily, we had skipped our church "pot luck" lunch at ABS after services because allie wasn't feeling her best.  so, check her temp. and sure enough, it was 100.3.  gave her some tylenol, finished feeding her lunch and put her down for her nap.  about 30 minutes later, i heard her in the monitor cough out.  usually i don't run in to check on the kids for every sound i hear, but for some reason, i immediately went in to check on her.  she had vomited everywhere, and was still vomiting when i got in there.  i picked her up, gave her a bath....and this entire time, i really couldn't get a good response from her.  we just figured she was sick, tired and was having a rough time waking up.  after we got her clothed, checked her temp and it was right at 102.  called the dr. (took 2 hrs. to call us back...but i will not go on with that story!) and he told us to continue tylenol, watch her closely and bring her in to see them in the morning.  needless to say, i held her all afternoon.  well, about 3 hours later, her fever had broken and she seemed to be feeling much better.  we all stayed home from services that nigh....cory and i both thought both kids were coming down with a stomach virus!  we went on with our usual bedtime routine;  dinner, baths for the kids, and then bedtime.  i could tell allie still wasn't feeling well, so i rocked her extra long.  cory and i went to bed...monitor way up and very close by our bed!  about 10:45, allie was whining a little, so i went in to check on her.  i patted her on the bottom to try a sooth her back to sleep, but nothing was working.  i picked her up and she was shaking;  i thought she was cold and her fever was coming back.  i cuddled her with her blanket and tried rocking her, but nothing was working. i knew something was wrong with her.   i took her in our bedroom, turned on the lights and allie's lips were blue.  we couldn't get her to respond to us for nothing.  cory called mama to come stay with luke...we were taking her to the emergency room.  right after cory called her, i told him to call 911!  i was a wreck, cory was a wreck, mama was a wreck....everyone was panicking!  i had no idea what was happening to my baby girl.  i knew she was sick, but had no idea what was going on.  it seemed like an eternity for the ambulance to get to our house.  for about 20-30 minutes, allie was non-responsive.  she was breathing, but very sporadically.  when the ambulance got to our house, a man we go to church with, brandon leverette, was the EMT that took allie from me. it was good to see a christian taking care of our baby.  they took her straight to huntsville hospital women's and childrens.  allie cried almost the entire way.  i had to ride in the front seat, but could hear her plain as day.  this made me feel better!  the EMT's said allie was having a seizure.  after a urine test, the er dr. diagnosed allie with a severe UTI (yes, this is #3 for her).  due to her fever, she had 2 febrile seizures.  i would have never thought this.   so, an entire week on antibiotics and close monitoring, allie is much better.  cory and i both still feel shocked that this happened.  we've never been so scared in our lives.  we all have see how fragile life is, even though febrile seizures are somewhat common in children.  we thank God that He took care of allie for us and pray to Him that this adventure never happens again!

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