Friday, August 14, 2009


ok, call it hormones if you wish, but, the past 2 days have been extremely emotional for me. i guess reality is setting know, the whole 2 kid thing and all. well, my third trimester is knocking at my backdoor!

on wednesday, it all hit me. i got to thinking about luke....."wow, he's fixing to be 3 years old, oh, no, i need to schedule his 3 year check up, i need to order pary supplies, i need to call DHP and get on the books for pictures, i need to also ask him about allie's 6 week pictures, should i wait and do their pictures together, should i do maternity pictures, ummmm.....i need to wash toys for her that have been in the attic, i need to clean out the playroom, carseat.....oh, i need to order a carseat cover, Christmas, oh, no, Christmas......need to start on that shopping, i need to do this, and this, and this etc, etc, etc". so this morning, i had a break down. crying, crying, crying. and it just all came out when cory wanted to leave luke with his parents for us to go out to eat! UGH!! what is the problem here?? is this NORMAL??

i'm also having major seperation issues with luke...not that he's going far, and not that he's going into a dager zone, but i just don't want to be away from him. am i just trying to "soak" all of "mommy/luke" time up right now??

ok, breathe, sabrina! that's what i've been telling myself today! i know all i need to do about it is first of all, pray, and second of all, yes, i guess i do need to soak up "mommy/luke" time.

so, for now, i'm ok. but, if you ever want to just call and chat, that would be GREAT! and, for all you 2nd time mommies......advice, please!


  1. I definitely went through that. I was so afraid of losing that special bond with Ethan. And with Weston's due date so close, I worried about taking away from his 2nd birthday. And then I was on bedrest....and I prayed that I wouldn't have Weston before his birthday. Planning his party from the couch killed me, but everything worked out and I love them the same amount but differently because of their different personalities. And now they are best buds and love playing with one another. It is bittersweet, but I think it's better for them to have a sibling to share childhood with. Don't stress. You're a great mom and super organized! You'll get it all done. Just enjoy these precious days. Take it all in and you'll be fine.

  2. Sabrina, I don't know if you remember me or not, but I am really good friends with Jessica Lynn and we met at Tucker's b'day party last. I've been "stalking" your blog since I found and just had to leave a comment on this post.......I am due with my second baby girl on 10/5/09!!!! My Ava is 3 (6/13th) and a few weeks ago the same barrage of emotions hit me like a ton of bricks!! I do know exactly what you are going through. And now, we have to worry about going out in public to get all this stuff done while the H1N1 virus is lurking around! YUK! Anyway, the emotions for me have come & gone & come again....just the life of a pregnant woman! But I, like you am trying to soak up Ava/Mommy time and get everything done in preparation for Aubrey! Hang in'll do great!
