Tuesday, April 28, 2009


well, as some of you know, cory and i are expecting baby #2 in november....november 16th to be exact. i am 11 weeks pregnant today. also, as some of you know, my pregnancy history isn't so great! i miscarried the first one, then when i was pregnant with luke, i had some problems....well, let's just put it this way....we were constantly holding our breath! luke ended up being 6 weeks premature. after luke was born, i ended up having about 3-4 surgeries (funny how i can't remember the exact number!!) by a reproductive specialist. so, getting pregnant again was kinda a tough decision. but we did alot of praying and decided we didn't want luke to be an only child. and, our obgyn specialist said there was really no reason i couldn't carry to full term. i saw him weekly starting at 5 weeks until i was about 9 weeks. all the ultrasounds and blood work looked great! so, went to see my regular doctor last week and she wants to take as many precautions as possible....which i am ALL FOR! progesterone shots start in 5 weeks...YAY for me!!! the doctor asked cory to give them to me....ummmmmm NO! so my sis, who is an RN is going to, i'm sure willingly, give them to me!
so, for all you out there, i have a huge request...please keep our baby in your daily prayers. we are hoping that our great God watches over us. we are hoping that this pregnancy goes well with no complications! by the way....luke says it's a boy!
if you are wondering what this contraption is....well, it's a fetal baby heart monitor. yeah, you can rent them! so, just to keep our minds at ease between doctors appointments, we got one! we get to listen to our baby's heartbeat on a daily basis. and, it works GREAT!


  1. Congratulations! We will certainly be keeping you in our prayers! Thanks for your prayers for my Mom!

  2. That is such wonderful news. I am glad you got the monitor, that will put you at ease. CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  3. Congratulations! We're excited for you. I wish I would have had that heart monitor at the beginning of my pregnancy. I was paranoid something would go wrong between doctor visits.
    Hope yall are doing well!

  4. Congrats!! I will keep ya'll in my prayers!! How exciting!!
